Pastor Albert G. Frost is the son of Pastor James and Sister Delores Frost. He is the fourth of five children. Pastor Frost was born and raised in Bonneau, South Carolina. In July 1995, he moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Shortly after the move, he met the love of his life, Tonya, and they married on March 1, 1997. They have adult children, Phillip and Talya (Brad), and one grandchild, Eli Jeremiah Frost.

Pastor Frost grew up attending St. Peter’s & St. Mark’s A.M.E. Church in Bonneau. He later became a member of Jerusalem A.M.E. Church in Hemingway. These churches were under the leadership of his father, Pastor James Frost. On arriving in Florida in July 1995, he joined Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church and served in many positions and auxiliaries. It was while serving faithfully at Mt. Zion that he received his calling into ministry on February 14, 2000. In October 2008, God gave him the assignment and vision to found New Beginning Word of Life Ministries. In May 2018, New Beginning evolved into the Restoration Christian Center. In March 2020, COVID closures generated another evolution for Pastor Frost: Facebook Ministry. God revealed to him that the Word should continue to go forth, in spite of the location of the minister or congregation. In the midst of these transitions, God blessed Pastor Frost to complete a degree in Religion from Liberty University in 2016.

Pastor and Sister Frost relocated from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Sumter, South Carolina in July 2022. The Facebook ministry continues as they begin their next assignment from God as Pastor and First Lady of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Varnville, SC. Pastor Frost bases his ministry work on Zechariah 4:10: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” He lives his life by his own motto: “Making an impact on contact!”

Albert and Tonya Frost

About our Pastor

Pastor Albert G. Frost

First Lady Tonya E. Frost

First Lady Tonya E. Frost is passionate about the Word of God and its life-changing impact on our daily experiences. She is a student of the Word and a witness to the power and intentionality of Christ. She aspires to inspire others to live out their God-given destiny.

Sister Frost believes her first ministry for God is her family. She is the proud wife of Pastor Albert G. Frost and parent to their son, Phillip; daughter, Talya (Brad); and grandson, Eli. While her children are now adults, she continues to mentor and nurture them to forward generational wealth in the form of maintaining a love for God as the foundation for all things in life.

Sister Frost is a native of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The only child of Johnny & Mildred Cummings, she spent her childhood supported by love, and attended public schools in the Fort Lauderdale community. She matriculated to Nova University, where she earned degrees in Elementary Education, Reading Education, Educational Leadership, and a year of Child & Youth Development doctoral studies. Her experiences as a public school student and being raised by a village of family, neighbors, and church members led her to a 33 year career in the Broward County School District, of which she spent the final 18 years as an elementary principal.

The most important part of Sister Frost’s life in Fort Lauderdale was her experiences in church that gave foundation to everything else in her life. She spent her childhood and early adult life as a member of Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church, and was an active participant as an usher, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School secretary, Missionary member, and Christian Education consultant. She later transferred to Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church to join her husband, where she was a stewardess, Missions president, and Christian Education director. As God used them to sow the seeds that became New Beginning Word of LIfe Ministries and Restoration Christian Center, she continued to sponsor and foster programs and events to strengthen youth, women, and families. She has mentored countless youth, young adults, and parents as they navigate their educational and professional journeys.

Sister Frost is a retiree whose new career is caring full-time for her mother. Additionally, she dedicates time and attention to assisting Pastor Frost in his current assignment as pastor of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church in Varnville, South Carolina. She also provides to him administrative assistance with various community outreach projects. She shares her husband's mission of “Making an Impact on Contact!”